For Accredited Co-Partner
(Cooperatives, Peoples’ Organization, Workers Association, etc.)
1. Application letter by the ACP addressed to the DOLE Regional Director;
2. Project Proposal using the prescribed template duly signed by the ACP, to include:
- objectives of the project;
- project management committee;
- project partners, if any;
- list of intended beneficiaries and their addresses;
- project duration and target dates of completion;
- detailed project costs including the equity of the organization in monetary terms;
- ACP equity equivalent to at least 20% of the total project cost; and
other potential or actual sources of project funds.
3. Individual beneficiary profile with picture and ACP profile;
4. Beneficiaries’ Certification of Non-coverage to PantawidPamilya Pilipino Program (4Ps) issued by DSWD(exceptfor the parents of child laborers);
5. Copy of ACP Certificate of Accreditation;
6. Board resolution authorizing a representative to enter into a MOA with DOLE, attested and duly subscribed and sworn to by the appropriate officer/s;
7. Audited financial reports(statement) for the past three (3) years preceding the date of project implementation. For applicant which has been in operation for less than 3 years, financial reports for the years in operation and proof of previous implementation of similar projects;
8. Disclosure by the proponent of other related business, if any;
9. Work and Financial Plan and sources of and details of proponent’s equity participation in the project;
10. List and/or photographs of similar projects the applicant or proponent is implementing or has previously undertaken, including sources of funds
11. Sworn affidavit of the Secretary of the proponent that none of its incorporators, organizers, directors or officials is an agent of or related by consanguinity or affinity up to the fourth civil degree to the officials of the government office authorized to process and/or approve the proposal, MOA and release of funds;
12. Certification duly approved by the board of director or officers designating a Focal Person to coordinate and transact with DOLE in the availment of program and services;
13. Photocopy of Official Receipt (OR); and
14. To be submitted prior to the release of fund:
MOA between DOLE and ACP
You may send your requirements via email or personally appear before our office.